Best way to learn? Classroom learning vs hands-on training

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As education has evolved hands-on training has become a more popular method of teaching in modern education. Hands-on training involves learning by doing, so therefore is more immersive than traditional classroom learning which is a structured approach in a classroom. In this blog we will explore the benefits and drawbacks of both methods and how they compare to each other.

Classroom learning – why is it beneficial?

One of the biggest benefits of classroom learning is that it provides a smooth experience for students as it creates an environment that minimises disruptions, which increases academic achievement. In this traditional learning environment people have the opportunity to ask any questions and receive immediate feedback, which helps them gain a greater understanding of the subject at hand.

Classroom learning – what are its limitations?

Despite all the advantages of classroom learning, there are some drawbacks that may hinder learning. Students may just sit and passively absorb information and as a result not have the ability to apply what they are learning to real life scenarios. There is limited customisation when it comes to classroom learning; the setting of a classroom will not cater to everyone’s learning style, and so depending on personal preferences, certain people may not be able to learn effectively without completing tasks in a hands-on way.

Hands-on training – why is it beneficial?

When learning through hands–on training, students have the ability to directly observe tasks being performed as opposed to only being told how you are supposed to carry out a task. Being given the responsibility to get on with physical activities while learning will allow them to become more confident and independent with what they are doing. Hands–on training encourages people to produce thoughts, in contrast to passively receiving information in classroom learning; it is more engaging. Furthermore, this form of training has wider real world applications and promotes creativity when learning.

Hands–on training – what are its limitations?

While you do obtain a deeper understanding while completing hands–on training, this comes at the cost of how time consuming these tasks can be. In classroom learning, you will be able to cover more in a shorter span of time because you are not physically carrying out the tasks, whereas hands–on learning involves being more engaged and you will need to reflect what you are doing far more.

Which method is more effective?

A combination of both classroom learning and hands–on training is likely to produce the best results because you ensure you cover the theoretical aspects, whilst putting your learning into practice, which is key.

At the Energy Academy we offer a mix of hands–on training and classroom to ensure that our students get the most out their courses. You can read more about our courses here.

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